All players can get a new hearthstone and change the location by talking to any innkeeper.For example, Alliance players pushing for Tol'vir digsites may want to set their hearth to Desolace since there's easy ways of getting to other corners of the map via Darnassus, Theramore, Uldum, and Hyjal. In addition to the travel options below, setting your hearthstone to a good place is key-a location that's not easily accessible through other means. The "Getting To:" sections of this guide include a map with mouseover travel details, as well as tabs describing every item and method of transportation, ranging from simple town portals to elaborate portals that can only be accessed after completing quest chains. There are many varied items that can port you to special locations, like guild capes and teleport tabards.Many capital cities have portals to other capital cities-Dalaran and Vale of Eternal Blossoms have portals to major faction capitals in Azeroth, while Stormwind and Orgrimmar have portals (no questing to unlock required) for all Cataclysm zones.Recruit a Friend is great for quickly leveling characters, as there are triple experience and increased reputation gains, as well as bonus levels that can be granted to characters. With Recruit a Friend, you can summon linked characters to each other's locations anywhere in the world.This summons individual players to the stone's location. Summoning stones are also found outside major instances and raids.A warlock's Ritual of Summoning is useful for straggler players left behind-and especially getting a low-level player to an otherwise inaccessible zone.Mages can port players to capital cities, as well as teleporting themselves.

You can start off riding ground mounts at level 10, increasing your travel speed and learning how to fly at later levels. We've got a page covering Riding: skill levels, mount types, speeds, and training costs.You must discover a flight path before using it for the first time-these are marked in green on your minimap. Flight paths are what most players will use to travel between nearby zones.There are numerous items, teleports, and portals that can shave minutes off your travel experience-even breadcrumb quests that you can hold onto which will provide useful ports! And which boat goes where from Stormwind anyway? Basic flight paths can take you anywhere, but they're slow and easily up to 15 minutes across a continent. Getting around Azeroth quickly is important-especially with holidays requiring lots of travel like the Lunar Festival and Love is in the Air.

Don't worry beside bounty quests, there isn't many quests like that.With the WoW transportation guide, you'll learn about all the travel options on each continent, as well as basics to flying, riding training, mage portals, and Hearthstones. It's not really cool as it makes you check a bit too often the mini map, but it can help a lot.ĮDIT: And that quest you highlight isn't one to do in priority when you get it, continue the flow of the game should allow you do it naturally. Do you know there's many little secrets, many mildly hidden paths, stuff to find? A pure rush isn't the best idea in my opinion.Ī trick is check at mini map at top right, a star on border will appear if you aren't too far from an objective. But frankly you should be a bit more exploration curious and/or not bother not have done one of the secondary quests. In quest you highlight it's perhaps one of the few case of non bounty quests where directions are too light and it requires explore a bit more than just understand the direction and location and find a way to it. How hard can it be? It's deliberate design to avoid destroy exploration by having blind rush in direction of compass. Cuddles.Just mark the location on the map.